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Arise legislative update: April 15, 2024

Arise's Akiesha Anderson gives an update on where things stand in the Alabama Legislature as lawmakers begin to wind down the 2024 regular session. We still are keeping an eye on numerous bills, including the state budgets and legislation related to child care, death penalty reform and voting rights. Akiesha provides a rundown on some [...]
Budgets, Criminal Justice, Voting Rights
April 15, 2024
Matt Okarmus

Alabama Arise Action Legislative Day 2024

Arise held our 2024 Legislative Day on Tuesday, April 2. More than 230 supporters joined us in Montgomery to urge their lawmakers to close Alabama's Medicaid coverage gap, invest in public transportation and fund a summer nutrition program for children. Thank you to everyone who spoke out for a better Alabama for all!   Full [...]
Medicaid Expansion
April 8, 2024
Matt Okarmus

Arise legislative update: April 8, 2024

Arise's Dev Wakeley provides this week's legislative update with a look at bills related to workers' rights, including one that would disincentivize companies from voluntarily recognizing unions. To speak out about these bills and others that we're tracking in the Alabama Legislature, visit and click "Take Action."   Full video transcript below:   Hi, [...]
Economic Opportunity
April 8, 2024
Matt Okarmus
News Releases

230+ Alabama Arise supporters urge lawmakers to close state’s Medicaid coverage gap

[caption id="attachment_9424" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] More than 230 Alabamians gathered to show their support for Medicaid expansion during Arise Legislative Day on April 2, 2024, in Montgomery. (Photo by Julie Bennett)[/caption] Alabama should save lives, create jobs and boost workforce participation by closing the state’s Medicaid coverage gap, Alabama Arise members told lawmakers Tuesday. More than [...]
Medicaid Expansion
April 5, 2024
Chris Sanders
Fact Sheet

Summer EBT for 2025

A $15 million appropriation for Summer EBT would reduce hunger by providing eligible Alabama children $40 per summer month for food. 1 in 4 Alabama children are food insecure. Hundreds of thousands of Alabama children don’t know where their next meal will come from. And a disproportionate amount of food insecure children come from communities [...]
Budgets, Health, Safety Net, Economic Opportunity
April 2, 2024
Alabama Arise
Fact Sheet

Investing in the Public Transportation Trust Fund

Inadequate funding for public transportation keeps thousands of people across Alabama from meeting basic needs. Unreliable bus systems cause people to be late for work, risking the loss of their jobs. If parents have a car that breaks down in rural Alabama, their children may miss doctors’ appointments, school and other activities because public transit options are [...]
Public Transportation
April 2, 2024
Alabama Arise
Fact Sheet

It’s time to expand Medicaid and close Alabama’s coverage gap

Nearly 300,000 Alabamians with low incomes would benefit from Medicaid expansion. People in the coverage gap earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough for an affordable private health insurance plan on the Marketplace. This leaves them in the health coverage gap. The vast majority of people who would gain coverage through Medicaid [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
April 2, 2024
Alabama Arise

Arise legislative update: March 25, 2024

While the Alabama Legislature is on spring break this week, Arise's Akiesha Anderson takes some time to update everyone on what's happened recently and what's on the horizon when lawmakers return next week. Akiesha also talks about our upcoming Legislative Day, scheduled for Tuesday, April 2. Full video transcript Hi there. Akiesha Anderson here, policy [...]
Voting Rights, Medicaid Expansion, Tax Reform
March 25, 2024
Matt Okarmus
Personal Stories

‘I just thought things were the same everywhere’

Medicaid coverage was a vital lifeline for Saraland resident Jolene Dybas as she recovered from a health emergency. But after losing that coverage during the Medicaid unwinding period, she has had to go without needed health care.

Health, Medicaid Expansion
March 25, 2024
Whit Sides

Arise legislative update: March 18, 2024

The Alabama Legislature is coming back into session after taking off last week. Arise's Akiesha Anderson provides updates on what's happened most recently -- including unfortunate news on anti-DEI legislation -- and gets you ready for another busy week ahead. Legislation we're monitoring this week includes a bill to reform Alabama's felony murder rule and [...]
Health, Safety Net, Tax Reform, Voting Rights
March 18, 2024
Matt Okarmus