The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), enacted in 2017, increased federal deficits by nearly $2 trillion while lavishing tax cuts on the country’s wealthiest households. Many TCJA provisions are set to expire this year, including numerous provisions that disproportionately benefit wealthy people. Alabama Arise joined 55 partner organizations in a letter asking Alabama’s congressional delegation to oppose additional tax cuts for wealthy households and to support expansions of tax provisions that support working people and families. The full text of the letter is below.
Letter text
Dear Senators Tuberville and Britt and Representatives Aderholt, Rogers, Sewell, Palmer, Moore, Strong and Figures:
Congratulations on your election to the 119th Congress. As you know, the new Administration and Congressional Majority have made plans to prioritize extending and potentially expanding the 2017 tax law (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, or TCJA), which is set to expire. We urge you to use the expiration of these provisions as an opportunity to address long-standing inequities with our tax code and to raise more revenue to meet our country’s current obligations and address critical unmet needs.
No matter what you look like or where you’re from, we all believe in caring for our families and community. People in our state work hard and are watching what happens in Congress. We give our all in so many ways: working as teachers, delivery drivers and nurses, volunteering at the local food bank or neighborhood cleanup, and caring for our friends and loved ones. Regardless of who they voted for in November, the vast majority of Americans were not voting to give another tax cut to the wealthy, or for another corporate tax cut.
The 2017 tax law failed in many ways, and there’s no mandate to repeat the mistakes of the past.
- The proponents of these tax cuts said big corporate tax cuts would trickle down to big increases in wages for workers – but the typical worker got nothing from it.
- They said the bill would pay for itself – but it actually increased the deficit by $2 trillion.
- They said the tax cuts would create jobs – but the evidence doesn’t show that.
If Congress decides to give new corporate tax cuts and extend other provisions of the TCJA, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says it would increase deficits by about $7.5 trillion over 10 years. We also know that the Administration’s tax plan favors the rich. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy found that it would lead “to a tax cut for the richest 5 percent of Americans and a tax increase for the other 95 percent of Americans.”
Americans want you to meet the moment and put the future and well-being of all of us ahead of tax cuts for the wealthy and well-connected. Alabamians prioritize funding services and taxing the wealthy by a wide, bipartisan margin. According to a recent survey:
- 75% of Alabamians support raising taxes on wealthy corporations.
- 75% of Alabamians support raising taxes on the wealthiest households in the nation.
- 76% of Alabamians support raising taxes on households earning more than $400,000 annually.
- 73% of Alabamians support increasing child tax credits for Alabama families.
Our 56 collective organizations work daily to reduce poverty, expand economic opportunity and create good jobs here in Alabama. Our missions speak directly to the importance of how you and the new Congress act on taxes in the next few months.
The tax code is one of our most powerful tools to shape the economy, but it too often has been used to divide us. For too long, the tax code has been slanted toward the wealthy and large corporations, and the economy, our country, and communities and families across Alabama have suffered as a result. The expiration of key provisions of the TCJA in 2025 is a rare opportunity to unite the vast majority of people who want to correct longstanding inequity in our tax code, and to help produce an economy that works for all Americans.
We urge you and all members of the Alabama delegation to reject renewed or expanded tax cuts for the wealthiest people in our society. And we urge you instead to provide meaningful tax reductions for ordinary families in Alabama and nationwide through an expanded Child Tax Credit and expanded Earned Income Tax Credit.
We appreciate your service and look forward to watching your efforts in the new year.
- AIDS Alabama
- Alabama Arise
- Alabama Black Women’s Roundtable
- Alabama Council on Human Relations
- Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP)
- Alabama Forward
- Alabama Institute for Social Justice
- Alabama Justice Initiative
- Alabama Poor People’s Campaign
- Alabama Rivers Alliance
- Alabama State Association of Cooperatives
- Alabama State Conference of the NAACP
- All Saints Episcopal Church – Mobile
- Auburn United Methodist Church
- Baptist Church of the Covenant – Birmingham
- Bay Area Women Coalition – Mobile
- Beloved Community Church (United Church of Christ) – Birmingham
- Church Women United – Mobile
- Church Women United – Montgomery
- Collaborative Solutions, Inc.
- Community Enabler – Anniston
- East Lake United Methodist Church
- Faith in Action Alabama
- Fall Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Services
- Feeding Alabama
- First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – Montgomery
- Five Horizons Health Services
- Grace Presbyterian Church – Tuscaloosa
- Greater Birmingham Ministries
- Interfaith Mission Service – Huntsville
- Jobs to Move America
- The Knights & Orchids Society
- League of Women Voters of Alabama
- Low Income Housing Coalition of Alabama
- Mary’s House Catholic Worker – Birmingham
- National Association of Social Workers – Alabama Chapter
- National Lawyers’ Guild – Alabama Chapter
- North Alabama Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO
- North Alabama Peace Network
- Open Table United Church of Christ – Mobile
- The People’s Justice Council
- The People’s Loan Program
- Professional Association of Social Workers in HIV & AIDS
- Progressive Women of Northeast Alabama
- Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty
- St. Paul UMC – Birmingham
- Sisters of Mercy in Alabama – Mobile
- Stand Up Mobile
- Thrive Alabama
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham
- Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Montgomery
- United for a Fair Economy
- United Women of Color – Huntsville
- Valley Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) – Mountain Brook
- WAWC Healthcare – Tuscaloosa
- Youth Towers – Birmingham