News Releases

Public policy barriers prevent far too many Alabamians from getting ahead. Our duty is to speak out against those barriers and identify solutions to give everyone an opportunity to reach their full potential. Check out our news releases and press statements about our research, organizing and advocacy for policies to make life better for Alabamians who are struggling to make ends meet.

News Releases

Senate committee vote for ’30 days to pay’ was a good first step on payday lending reform in Alabama

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project executive director Kimble Forrister issued the following statement Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018, in response to a Senate committee’s approval of a bill that would give Alabama borrowers 30 days to repay payday loans: “Today’s Senate committee vote in favor of the ‘30 days to pay’ bill was a big win for [...]
Payday & Title Lending Reform
February 15, 2018
Chris Sanders
News Releases

White House’s proposed cuts to nutrition, health care and housing would hurt struggling Alabamians

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project executive director Kimble Forrister issued the following statement Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018, in response to the release of the White House’s proposed 2019 federal budget: “The White House’s budget proposal lays out a vision of a dark and troubling future for struggling families across Alabama. This plan would slash services like [...]
Health, Housing, Safety Net
February 13, 2018
Chris Sanders
News Releases

CHIP renewal is overdue good news for parents of 85,000 Alabama children on ALL Kids

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project policy director Jim Carnes issued the following statement Monday, Jan. 22, 2018, in response to the U.S. Senate’s vote to renew federal funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years: “The parents of more than 85,000 children with ALL Kids coverage finally received some overdue good news today: [...]
January 22, 2018
Chris Sanders
News Releases

Alabamians must keep urging Congress to protect health care

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project policy director Jim Carnes issued the following statement Friday, Jan. 13, 2017, after the U.S. House approved a resolution that would make it easier for Congress to repeal portions of the Affordable Care Act: “Protecting access to quality, affordable health care is more important than ever. Congress voted this week to [...]
January 13, 2018
Chris Sanders
News Releases

Children’s health care takes a back seat as Congress rushes to cut taxes for corporations, wealthy people

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project executive director Kimble Forrister issued the following statement Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2017, in response to Congress’ passage of a tax bill that disproportionately benefits rich people and corporations: “Congress’ misplaced priorities were on clear display today. Nearly 84,000 Alabama children are about to lose their ALL Kids coverage because lawmakers allowed [...]
Health, Tax Reform
December 20, 2017
Chris Sanders
News Releases

Congress’ shameful neglect puts health coverage at risk for 84,000 Alabama children on ALL Kids

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project policy director Jim Carnes issued the following statement Monday, Dec. 18, 2017, in response to the announcement of ALL Kids’ pending termination: “Tens of thousands of Alabama working families learned today – one week before Christmas – that their children will lose health insurance Feb. 1 if Congress continues to delay funding [...]
December 18, 2017
Chris Sanders
News Releases

Congress’ tax plan is still a bad deal for everyday Alabamians

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project policy director Jim Carnes issued the following statement Friday, Dec. 15, 2017, in response to the release of Congress’ revised tax bill: “At its core, Congress’ tax plan is a massive giveaway to huge corporations and wealthy people at the expense of working families. This bill is bad for everyday Alabamians, [...]
Tax Reform
December 15, 2017
Chris Sanders
News Releases

U.S. Senate tax plan is a windfall for the wealthy at the expense of everyday families

Arise Citizens’ Policy Project policy director Jim Carnes issued the following statement Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017, in response to passage of the U.S. Senate tax bill: “The U.S. Senate tax plan is a huge giveaway to wealthy households and big corporations, and working families across Alabama and across the country will pay the price for [...]
Tax Reform
December 2, 2017
Chris Sanders
News Releases

Alabama may lose big if 2020 Census isn’t properly funded, study finds

The results of the 2020 Census will help guide the allocation of more than $7.5 billion in federal funding for Alabama each year. But an undercount of the state’s population could put a huge amount of that support at risk over the next decade, according to “Counting for Dollars 2020,” a new study led by Professor Andrew [...]
November 15, 2017
Chris Sanders
News Releases

If you’re rich, the House GOP tax plan is great for you. If not? Not so much

The richest 1 percent of Alabamians would get large tax cuts that would grow even larger over the next decade under U.S. House Republicans’ tax plan, according to projections released Monday, Nov. 6, 2017, by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, nearly one in five [...]
Tax Reform
November 6, 2017
Chris Sanders