Medicaid Expansion

Alabama Arise is proud to be a member of the Cover Alabama Coalition, a group of advocates, businesses, faith leaders and health care professionals making the case for Medicaid expansion. Click here to learn more about Cover Alabama.

Hundreds of thousands of Alabama adults have no health coverage. Tens of thousands of them suffer daily because they can't afford treatment for chronic health conditions like cancer, diabetes or heart disease. Hundreds die every year as a result. Meanwhile, eight rural hospitals have closed in Alabama since 2011, and many others are at risk of the same fate.

Medicaid expansion would reduce human suffering and strengthen Alabama's health care system. It would save lives and deliver financial peace of mind to families who desperately need it. And it would create jobs and generate tax revenues by pumping billions of federal dollars into the state's economy. Arise's research reveals why Medicaid expansion is the right choice for Alabama from economic, health and moral standpoints.

Personal Stories

‘Everything is fine, until it isn’t’

[caption id="attachment_4788" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Elizabeth works at a sewing machine in the family's home. (Photo courtesy of Geoff)[/caption] Part 1: A hard winter ahead Winter has been a long time coming for Geoff* and his wife, Elizabeth*. He didn’t think he could actually feel more anxious than he had since March, when he and his [...]
Coronavirus, Medicaid Expansion
December 18, 2020
Whit Sides

Medicaid Matters: Charting the Course to a Healthier Alabama

Introduction ALABAMA MEDICAID supports the health care system that serves us all. Whether you have employer health coverage, a private plan, public insurance like Medicaid or Medicare, or no coverage at all, you will likely benefit at some point from facilities and services that Medicaid makes possible. More than a million Alabamians — mostly children [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
June 17, 2020
Alabama Arise

Medicaid Matters – Section 1: How does Medicaid work in Alabama?

MEDICAID BASICS What you need to know … [caption id="attachment_4117" align="alignright" width="189"] (Photo: #IamMedicaid)[/caption] Medicaid is a joint federal/state program providing health coverage for certain categories of people with low incomes and limited resources. More than 1.2 million Alabamians qualify for Medicaid coverage. Medicaid payments support doctors’ offices, hospitals, clinics and nursing homes that serve [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
June 17, 2020
Alabama Arise

Medicaid Matters – Section 2: How is Medicaid improving coverage?

MEDICAID IMPROVEMENTS What you need to know... [caption id="attachment_4180" align="alignright" width="225"] (Photo: #IamMedicaid)[/caption] New Medicaid changes seek to improve health and cut costs by rewarding timely and preventive care. The statewide Integrated Care Network (ICN) is coordinating long-term care for about 23,000 Alabamians. Seven regional Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHNs) are coordinating primary and specialty [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
June 17, 2020
Alabama Arise

Medicaid Matters – Section 3: Who’s still left out of health coverage?

MEDICAID COVERAGE GAP What you need to know ... [caption id="attachment_4207" align="alignright" width="300"] (Photo: Courtesy of Audrey Trippe)[/caption] More than 220,000 Alabamians are caught in the state’s health coverage gap, earning too much to qualify for Medicaid and too little to afford private insurance. Another 120,000 Alabamians are stretching to pay for coverage they can’t [...]
Medicaid Expansion, Health
June 17, 2020
Alabama Arise

Medicaid Matters – Section 4: How can we make Alabama healthier?

MEDICAID EXPANSION What you need to know ... [caption id="attachment_4220" align="alignright" width="225"] (Photo: #IamMedicaid)[/caption] Medicaid expansion would help hundreds of thousands of Alabamians get the health care they need. States that have expanded Medicaid have seen improvements in infant and maternal mortality and greater access to treatment for mental illness and substance use disorders. Extending [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
June 17, 2020
Alabama Arise
Personal Stories

Cover Alabama Conversations: Alabama Arise’s Jim Carnes

Alabama Arise's Sherrel Wheeler Stewart talks to Arise policy director Jim Carnes about how Medicaid expansion would save lives and reduce suffering for hundreds of thousands of adults with low incomes across Alabama. They also discuss how expansion would help the state combat the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild in its aftermath. Listen to the full [...]
Medicaid Expansion
May 11, 2020
Sherrel Wheeler Stewart
Fact Sheet

Alabama needs to expand Medicaid NOW!

Medicaid is a health lifeline for one in four Alabamians and an economic engine for communities across our state. Extending Medicaid coverage to adults with low incomes would make life better for Alabamians of all races, genders and incomes. Medicaid expansion would ensure coverage for 340,000 Alabamians, including: People who work low-wage jobs and can’t [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
February 25, 2020
Alabama Arise
Fact Sheet

Why Medicaid expansion is a must for prison reform in Alabama

Against a backdrop of human tragedy, Gov. Kay Ivey’s Study Group on Criminal Justice Policy is working toward a January deadline for its recommendations to the Legislature. The U.S. Department of Justice in April issued a sobering overview of the Alabama corrections system’s numerous shortcomings. And the Montgomery Advertiser shed further light on the situation [...]
Criminal Justice, Health, Medicaid Expansion
November 26, 2019
Jim Carnes
Fact Sheet

Meet the working men and women caught in Alabama’s health coverage gap

As we celebrate Alabama’s workforce on Labor Day, here’s a fact that deserves special attention: More than 100,000 Alabamians are working without health insurance. They work in child care, construction, food services and other vital jobs. They’re the folks who keep things going. Yet they’re trapped in the health coverage gap. They can’t afford employer-based [...]
Health, Medicaid Expansion
August 30, 2019
Jim Carnes