The 2024 general election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 5 ! Alabamians will vote on numerous federal, state and local offices, including the president and vice president, U.S. House members and several state Supreme Court justices.
Are you registered to vote? Have you made a plan to vote in this year’s general election? Alabama Arise has information below about how voters can cast a ballot. We also share resources that could help if you face barriers to voting.
What you need to know for the election
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day (Nov. 5). If you’re a registered voter in line by 7 p.m., stay in line! You’ll be allowed to vote.
Registered voters may cast an absentee ballot if they expect to be absent from the county on Election Day or if they meet other criteria specified by state law. Learn more here.
The deadline for election managers to receive a mail-in request for an absentee ballot for the 2024 general election is Tuesday, Oct. 29. The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot in person Thursday, Oct. 31. Absentee ballots must arrive at the election manager’s office by the close of business (but no later than 5 p.m.) on Monday, Nov. 4 (if hand-delivered) or by noon on Tuesday, Nov. 5 (if returned by mail). Learn more here.
Voters may vote for whomever they wish in the general election, regardless of which primary (if any) they participated in earlier this year.
If you face any intimidation, threats or other barriers to voting, trained volunteers are ready to help. You can call the nonpartisan Election Protection hotlines here:
Members like you and me are the heartbeat of Alabama Arise. Our collective power has brought material improvements to the lives of Alabamians, such as reducing the state grocery tax and extending postpartum Medicaid coverage.
Thank you for supporting us in building a better Alabama. Will you join Arise with a gift today to grow our shared voice? Jump to our form to give now!
Everyday people drive Arise’s work. Don’t just take my word for it. Here are four stories from members across the state with different backgrounds and stories who share Arise’s vision.
Gillie Presley, a dedicated member of Arise for 19 years from Tuscaloosa, says she joined Arise because she was tired of putting Band-Aids on Alabama’s problems and wanted to tackle the roots of the issues she cares about most. She found our membership model unique, because Arise is one of the few organizations Gillie has seen where the people affected can make the decisions:
“I am fully blind, so public transportation is really important to me. Thankfully, I have the resources to get from one place to another, but many people don’t. I’ve been a part of other spaces that work on infrastructure, but they have not been interested when I bring up transit. Arise centers us as members and works on the issues that affect everyday Alabamians the most.”
Can you give a gift today to bolster our work with Gillie and fund public transit to allow Alabamians to access their communities? Jump to our form to give now!
Because members have a voice in our legislative priorities and help fund the work, Arise’s agenda can truly focus on improving the lives of Alabamians living paycheck to paycheck. Jacob Morrison from Huntsville says he joined Arise last year after working with us over the years and seeing an organization that puts actions behind our words:
“As a union member and head of the North Alabama Labor Council, I see Arise as one of the only organizations fighting for working people in Montgomery, building relationships with legislators on both sides of the aisle and pushing for policies that make the lives of our workforce better. Being a part of Arise’s broad coalition makes a powerful case for our shared agenda.”
Arise is committed to growing our coalition to support working people with Jacob, and we need you as part of it. Will you give today? Jump to our form to give now!
Audrey Noel, an Arise board member from Anniston, advocates with Arise because she knows the terrible situations that limited health coverage can put people in, and she wants to fight for better access to health care and lower the cost of living for Alabamians:
“In 2013, I had no insurance and went to work with the first headache of my life. That day, I had an aneurysm, was airlifted to Birmingham, and left the hospital with almost $1 million in medical bills. I’m a member of Arise because I don’t want there to be any other Audreys out there. Now is the time to get educated about what you can do. If we all come together, we can change unjust systems.”
Will you join Audrey today and donate to Arise to advocate for better access to health care? Jump to our form to give now!
Miranda Schrubbe, a committed member of Arise for 15 years from Fairhope, also joined Arise to fight for health care for all Alabamians. Her husband is a local physician, so they witness the need for Medicaid expansion in our state firsthand. In the last few years, Miranda also has become passionate about protecting our voting rights as she’s watched local officials chip away at this fundamental right. One thing she’s learned is the importance of persistence:
“The work we are doing at Alabama Arise is a long game. That’s how you get things done. And Arise does this work the right way. In Baldwin County, we are partnering with community groups to fight to protect our voting rights, educating neighbors about the issues, and helping us all connect so that our community is in it together.”
Alabama Arise listens because we deeply value the input we get from members, partners and most importantly, those directly affected by the work we do together. We depend on what we hear to help guide our issue work and our strategies.
We held two virtual statewide Town Hall Tuesdays this summer, and each featured three to four listening session breakouts. Arise staff either facilitated or were part of 20 additional listening sessions, both online and in person around the state. We engaged more than 500 people in a total of 27 listening opportunities.
Following are direct notes from the town halls and highlights from the other sessions. These notes and highlights are listed under the names of the Arise organizers who heard them.
Town Hall Tuesdays
A better Alabama is possible, July 16
We had four breakout rooms during this session. We asked folks in each group to discuss their thoughts on current issues and to share other priorities they had. Here’s what our organizers heard from participants:
Pres Harris:
Death penalty reform. We need to consider the impact that potential new appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court might have on this issue at the state level.
Concern about new school choice laws that divert funding from public education. There is special concern in rural areas where there are either no or very limited options to public education for children. Many participants said this is a way to take more money from funding public education. Several participants agreed with the education concern.
A sight-impaired participant lifted up education, voting rights and public transportation as key issues impacting people living with disabilities. There is a disparity in education among low-vision students. The disabilities community has been advocating for electronic voting so that sight-impaired people can vote with privacy. And lack of public transportation is a barrier to voting and other quality-of-life activities.
Concern about the maternal health crisis and subsequent infant health care needs. We need to improve access to maternal care and health care overall. We need to expand Medicaid.
One participant raised the need for people to have legal representation in civil issues like family issues, bankruptcy, school issues, etc. Another participant said the Alabama State Bar might be an ally in advancing such an issue.
Public transportation was highlighted again as a need and a quality-of-life issue.
In the main session, a participant raised the need to address a variety of veterans’ issues, with emphasis on veteran housing availability.
Stan Johnson:
More funding for education programs for children ages 0-3. For a better Alabama, we need to focus on early education. Alabama has a home visitation program called First Teachers, designed to support families at risk for poor developmental outcomes. They use a variety of models, including Parents as Teachers and First Family Partnership. They go and visit families with children 0-3 years of age. Alabama is not putting additional money into 0-3 education. A participant noted that the state budget has included such funding in the past, and he wants to ensure it stays there. We have appropriated a couple million dollars, but Alabama receives more from the federal government than what the state puts in for this service. Minnesota puts 10 times as much money into their program as Alabama. Missouri has universal access to 0-3 education.
Kids need to master their social and emotional milestones, and the ability to have a two-way productive interpersonal relationship. They need the ability to modulate their emotions appropriately in a group setting, to have a sense of curiosity and to have a sense of who they are. If they do not get the basic scaffolding in the first three years of life, then all the remediation in the world will not help them get through high school. Efficacy-based programs exist and have proved effective. Alabama is not doing enough about it.
A participant said she is a retired teacher and could tell the difference between kids who were read to, loved and cuddled. The first three years make a world of difference. She said this does not need to be a named Arise priority, but it should be addressed.
We have picked up momentum with Medicaid, but not nearly enough. Many participants said this needs to continue to be the No. 1 issue. Adequate health care is important for a better Alabama.
Participants said they want to help with Medicaid expansion. They understand all it would take is for the governor to sign it and it would be a done deal. They do not understand why people would say they do not want money from the feds. For every dollar we send, we get back $2.17.
Participants opposed turning back federal infrastructure money and ARPA money. The argument has no logic.
Rural hospitals and departments closed this year, including in Thomasville, Monroe County and Union Springs. What are the governor’s plans to help those areas? Some voters in those areas do not realize that state policies have caused them to lose their health care. We have been saying for years that lack of Medicaid expansion would cause hospitals to close.
Some women are now having to drive as far as 90 minutes away to get to an OB-GYN. We can see the harm that elected officials are causing to their constituents.
Unfortunately, people do not realize when they vote that they sometimes are voting for representatives who do not seem to have their best interest in mind. We have already lost $7 billion in funding by not expanding Medicaid.
One participant said the new teacher certification test is an issue for young or new teachers. What are some alternate ways toward certificates?
A participant said Congress should have passed a Medicaid expansion bill, the Save Rural Hospitals Act. This would have helped rural areas to reopen hospitals. The state chose to enhance the port in Mobile instead of providing funding to rural hospitals. The hospitals would have provided jobs and training for RNs, LPNs, CANs and other hospital staff, as well as other jobs once the hospitals opened.
We have to educate our decision-makers about looking at cost holistically and not just as a one-time investment. We are losing people due to not investing and not expanding Medicaid.
Adam Keller:
It’s hard to begin, because all of the issues are so interrelated and important.
Public transportation is so important to access to food and work. Several participants weighed in on public transportation.
One participant said crime is out of control and expressed concern about gun safety. They are concerned about gun violence and how Gov. Kay Ivey and lawmakers have loosened restrictions. They emphasized the need for citizen participation.
There are false narratives around crime. We need more community-based public safety.
A participant brought up the lack of Medicaid expansion, closing of rural hospitals and lack of OB-GYNs. She had a medical incident and only survived because she had immediate attention.
A participant said the secretary of state’s salary should be tied to voter registration. They also brought up bicycles as a help for transportation, as well as university bike share programs and bike grants. They said the state needs to grant more paroles and shouldn’t require people to pay a bunch of fees before voting rights are restored.
Formeeca Tripp:
It’s important to know the history of Alabama so we can understand the past and where we are going.
A longtime Alabama Arise member is eager to keep learning more. He believes the issues proposed are good, and we need to keep focusing on them.
One big supporter of Medicaid expansion believes it needs to keep being addressed in the legislative sessions. He also supports the end to the state grocery tax but is lost on “what else can we do?” He also has concerns with gun violence, along with other participants.
Another longtime member is a big supporter of Medicaid expansion and believes we need to keep working on the current list of priorities for the next legislative session.
Another participant believes payday and predatory lending should be addressed and a priority issue. Transportation, specifically for disabled veterans, is important and needs to be addressed, not just grouped under the general transportation umbrella. She also would like to see gun violence reduction as a priority issue and has a movement called “SWAG – Safer Without A Gun,” to buy back real and toy guns as well as educate on gun safety, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills, especially in underserved communities.
Medicaid expansion, transportation and gun violence were the dominant topics in our breakout room.
Building toward a better Alabama, Aug. 6
We had three breakout rooms during this session. We asked folks in each group to discuss what motivates them to act on issues and how Arise supports their actions. And we asked them to indicate their priority issues. Here’s what our organizers heard from participants:
Pres Harris:
Participants shared consensus about the need to expand Medicaid to address several health care concerns. These included rural hospital closures, maternal mortality rates in Alabama and support for mental health care needs.
Concern for the survival of our democracy with attacks on voting rights was expressed. Public education, affordable housing and public transportation also were highlighted. Several said it is hard to prioritize the current Arise issues, as they are all critical.
Participants shared what motivates them to action: hearing the stories of those directly impacted, knowing they are coming together with others to advocate, and the feeling of confidence they get because Arise has helped equip them with information and tools to act.
Stan Johnson:
We heard consensus that all the issues are important, and it is difficult to pinpoint which is a priority over another.
Jobs to Move America supports everything Arise does and wants to see a clawback of incentives to companies that violate child labor laws (e.g., Hyundai’s supply chain). We want to raise that up for consideration. These kids come from impoverished backgrounds in Mexico/Central America, and they send money back to their families. Sen. Merika Coleman and Rep. Neil Rafferty had a bill last year, and it passed in the Senate and House committee unanimously; we just ran out of time. We need to send these car manufacturers a message. They are working on a strategic direction proposal to submit.
We need to continue to grow the communication network throughout the state.
Alabama Arise is the most respected organization in the State House.
We need to make serious reforms to the state budgets and appropriations so we can take care of the people of Alabama, instead of Mercedes, etc. We do not have money to fund social programs, but corporations are receiving gigantic tax breaks. These are billions of dollars that could have helped the citizens of Alabama.
One organization is working on criminal legal reform in Alabama, especially looking at the death penalty.
A participant was very upset that Alabama does not participate in programs, and then the same government comes and says we do not have any money.
Several participants said transportation needs to improve in Alabama, which also helps people have access to jobs. Transportation is a big topic for people with disabilities. One participant said some of her clients are not able to get to appointments at UAB because of a lack of public transportation. Some transportation directors, on the other hand, do not see the need and want to make further cuts because of low ridership on the buses. Her clients are losing their jobs because of unreliable transportation. Decatur has Ride on Demand, where you must call in to request a ride. It can be a two-hour wait time. There are bus stops on busy roads, so it is dangerous for individuals in wheelchairs as well as able-bodied individuals. These are some of the reasons people do not use Decatur’s transportation system.
Another participant from Mobile said she has been working on Medicaid expansion and is glad we were able to get an extension on the coverage for postpartum maternity care. She is pushing health care as the main issue, along with the social determinants associated with health.
Adam Keller:
We need more mental health services, which will help reduce prison overcrowding and crime.
Alabama needs prison reform, including addressing the prison labor situation.
We heard affirmation of our current agenda, including specifically voting rights and Medicaid expansion.
We heard discussion of burnout and the importance of persistence (with the grocery tax as an example).
Some members shared that they wouldn’t be involved if it wasn’t for our help and said Arise gives them more hope for the state.
Additional listening sessions
This section highlights participants’ input from the 19 additional sessions recorded by the Arise organizing team. In general, all participants strongly affirmed Arise’s work on current legislative priorities. Many thought that Arise should continue to build on momentum it has around some of the current issues. Many also said we need to see more change in the existing priorities. Members seemed to affirm these sentiments, as no new issues were proposed for 2025. These notes lift up the other issues of concern that participants highlighted as we listened.
Pres Harris – Baldwin, Elmore and Mobile counties
Participants in these meetings affirmed the current Arise priorities, acknowledging that our issues are long-haul issues.
Other issues raised:
The need to address gun violence.
The need for parole reform was proposed by a group of women from the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women who are sponsored by Arise member group Greater Birmingham Ministries. GBM submitted the issue as a strategic approach under the existing criminal justice reform issue.
Stan Johnson – Birmingham/Jefferson County and Tuscaloosa/West Alabama
Most of the participants in these meetings focused on the existing legislative priorities and discussed ways to continue the work toward progress.
A member group planned to submit a proposal for a strategic approach to getting more funding for the 988 mental health crisis hotline that connects folks to needed resources. This is not a new issue, but it would be part of Arise’s permanent priority of adequate state budgets.
Other issues raised: More needs to be done about payday loans, energy/solar power incentives and veterans in crisis.
Whit Sides, Arise’s Cover Alabama storyteller, participated in a session with disability advocates that involved listening to and sharing stories related to intellectual disabilities and neurodivergence/autism. Participants were interested in developing their stories for advocacy with policy and lawmakers.
Adam Keller – Northeast/Madison and Morgan counties
Most of the participants in these meetings strongly affirmed the current Arise priorities.
During further discussion, participants highlighted issues related to public education, child nutrition, paid parental leave and parole/probation reform.
Several conversations centered on how the work of Arise connected with labor and worker power.
Formeeca Tripp – Houston, Lee, Montgomery and Tallapoosa counties
Many participants in these meetings expressed appreciation for Arise’s work around our current issues, especially voting rights, health care and other safety net issues.
Other issues raised:
The lack of affordable housing that contributes to issues of homelessness.
Legislation that impacted the Black population historically and current laws and policies that lawmakers have passed.
Issues that negatively impact racial equity and inclusion.
The need to address gun violence and have programs for youth.
When Presdelane Harris started at Alabama Arise as the phone organizer in summer 1994, she had no idea what the next 30 years had in store. She didn’t intend on being at Arise for long.
“Maybe doing this for a little while, maybe one or two years,” she said.
Pres makes it clear that no matter her journey to Arise, this is where she was meant to be.
“God placed me here. This is not where I ever thought I’d be,” she said.
At Auburn University at Montgomery, Pres majored in justice and public safety and later added a master’s degree in management from Troy University. She considered law school before getting plugged into Arise.
Pres has worn lots of hats since starting at Arise, having “just about every job” at the organization. From phone organizer and office manager to organizing director, where she has helped Arise’s membership grow to reach 53 of Alabama’s 67 counties, Pres has seen the evolution of not just Arise, but Alabama politics as a whole.
“The Legislature was actually a little more diverse then,” she said. “It didn’t feel like it does now.”
Alabama can be a trying place to work on Arise’s issues. What is it that’s kept Pres going?
“The cumulative impact of seeing people get engaged and being excited,” she said. “The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that you really do have to meet people where they are.”
“Our members are diverse in a lot of ways, but we all come together under our mission to advance policies to improve the lives of people marginalized by poverty,” Pres said. “When you’re talking to folks on the ground, people are just people.”
After 30 years at Arise, including 22 as the organizing director, Pres still has big dreams.
“I would like us to grow our organizing team more,” she said. “The field is wide open.
While growing the number of organizers on staff is always a goal, deepening relationships is critical to Pres’ vision.
“The reason we have organizers on staff is to grow in depth as well as reach,” she said.
Taking care of ourselves is a priority for many Arise staff, and Pres is no different. Her faith is essential to her work.
“Living out my values is a way of taking care of myself. I take seriously the idea of being at peace,” she said. That peace grounds me when everything around is in chaos.”
Anyone who knows Pres knows that cruises are also a big part of her self-care practice. She typically takes two cruises a year with her family. Her next one will be to Costa Maya in Mexico in December.
As far as organizing work, Pres keeps her eye on new technology. From implementing our first database years ago to working on a new texting platform now, she’s always seeking out ways to engage new people into our mission.
“In two text banks, we sent 23,000 texts,” she said. “There was genuine interest. We’re always open to innovative ideas about engaging the most directly impacted folks.”
And what would she like to see in the next 30 years?
“Thirty years from now, I’d like to see our mission having to change because we have fewer people who are marginalized by poverty,” Pres said. “Ideally, we’ll work ourselves out of a job.”
Alabama Arise strives to center the experiences and needs of low-income and working-class members in our work. We invite our members to participate in listening sessions, propose new legislative priorities and vote to set our legislative agenda during our Annual Meeting each fall.
It’s important that you, our members, drive and determine our legislative priorities. When member groups propose new issues and make the case at our annual membership meeting for them to join our agenda, participants have to make hard choices about which issues you think matter the most.
But this year, we didn’t receive any new proposed legislative priorities to add to our agenda. Rather, several groups have proposed adding new strategies under our existing priorities.
We still value your feedback and participation in setting this agenda. But this year’s voting will look a bit different. During the Annual Meeting, our staff will update you on the strategies and bills we have pursued under each of our current legislative priorities, which also are outlined in this month’s newsletter.
We will send you an electronic ballot to endorse the current legislative agenda. We’ll also ask you to rank the individual bills and strategies under each issue that you would like to see Arise prioritize in our collective advocacy.
Our agenda is stronger with your participation. Thank you for all the time and experience you share with us to shape our agenda and make our vision a reality.
Things to know for our Annual Meeting
Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
This is a hybrid event with options to attend in person as well as remotely via Zoom. The in-person meeting will be at The Legacy Annex, 115 Coosa St., Montgomery, AL 36104. This is the former site of the Equal Justice Initiative’s Legacy Museum. Visit to find more details and registration information. There is no cost to attend, though donations are welcome.
Proposed bylaw change:
Arise members will be asked to vote on the following bylaw change:
Proposed revision: “All members of the Board of Directors shall serve a term of three years and terms will be staggered. Successive terms are permitted.”
Current language: “All members of the Board of Directors shall serve a term of three years and terms will be staggered. One successive term is permitted. After a one-year absence a person would be eligible to serve again.”
For more information:
If you have any questions, call 334-832-9060 or email
As an Alabama Arise member, you use your power to help create a more equitable Alabama. Every year at our Annual Meeting, our members choose our legislative priorities and fuel our advocacy efforts.
Because you are so important to our work, we want you to know who your fellow members are. We have more than 1,700 members across the state in more than three-quarters of Alabama counties. And we have set goals to diversify our membership to be more reflective of Alabama’s demographics and the concerns of folks living paycheck to paycheck.
We’re making strong progress on those goals. Through our membership survey (which you can fill out at, we have learned 27% of our members are people with low incomes, 6% are people under age 30 and 32% are people of color.
If you’re ready to deepen your commitment, I want to invite you to join a group of our members who sustain our work year-round: our recurring donors. More than 200 people give monthly to Arise because they know it’s important for us to have the flexibility needed to focus year-round on the priorities that members like you choose.
Will you join this steadfast group? Our most common monthly gift is $10! Visit to set up a recurring gift online. Thank you for being a member!
Labor Day is a holiday where we can reflect on the contributions that working people – and the unions that workers form to build power together – have made to the well-being of all people in the United States. These contributions include overtime pay, a five-day workweek, child labor protections and workplace safety standards.
These advances for working people didn’t come easily. Workers won them through strikes, pressure and solidarity. These advances came in the face of overwhelming opposition by bad employers that would have rather seen their workers die than to win workplace democracy.
And the fight continues. Many steps that the working people of Alabama have won toward better lives for their families are under attack today. In Alabama, workers fought this year against anti-union legislation and a measure to reduce existing child labor protections. And while passing these harmful bills and others, state officials have continued togive billions of dollars in tax incentives and subsidies toprivate companies. These giveaways persist even when those companies benefit fromegregious child labor law violations.
These attacks on workers are continuations oflongstanding economic strategies of worker abuse in the South. But at the same time officials choose to make life tougher for working people, officials are asking why people aren’t in the workforce.
The answer is straightforward: The Alabama economy doesn’t work for workers. And that’s by design. But we can move toward a better economy with better policy choices.
Job quality in Alabama is low
Alabamians labor in a state where numerous employment practices and policies prevent them from building a stable life and improving their overall well-being. More than 1 in 5 Alabama workers (22%) are paid less than $15 per hour. That is a poverty wage for a family of four and less than half of what that family needs to thrive. Alabama’s workers also make less, even after adjusting for the state’s lower cost of living, than workers in Rust Belt states like Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
The shortcomings of Alabama’s low-road economic development model reach far beyond employers’ failure to pay adequate wages. Southern workers broadly have less access to paid leave than other workers. Alabamians have no paid parental leave protections under state law, though momentum is building to fix that problem for some workers. Alabama workers also lack guaranteed paid sick leave, caregiving leave, domestic violence leave or bereavement leave. And the state has prevented local governments from giving workers a square deal by preempting any local legislation to improve conditions for workers, in an extension of policy barriers that limit Black Alabamians’ self-determination and participation in society.
State policymakers prop up employers’ anti-worker strategies by opposing workers’ efforts to build a better economy for themselves. The recent upswell of unionization in Alabama has met with vicious opposition from some officials, including a picketing ban, use of state troopers to support scabs against miners, and a slick, businesslike campaign of officials orchestrated to oppose workers organizing with the United Auto Workers (UAW) in Tuscaloosa County.
Officials also have attacked employers who freely and voluntarily recognize workers’ decision to unionize by forbidding those companies to receive economic development incentives. Hostility to workers, coupled with persistent underinvestment in work supports, has left Alabama’s workers significantly behind across the board.
Remove barriers by investing in child care, health care, public transportation
We know workers face specific barriers to workforce participation. The workers themselves and the businesses employing them have said so. These barriers include child care, transportation, housing and medical coverage.
But as our state’s economy has grown less than it would with broader opportunity, officials have made shortsighted anti-worker policy decisions that make life worse for working people and those who depend on them. Even the steps forward have been tentative, lacking in focus directly on the people who do the work to keep Alabama going.
Alabama also has yet to fund the Public Transportation Trust Fund that the Legislature created in 2018. Significant investment in public transportation would help all workers – particularly people working in manufacturing and caregiving, two areas of need where investment would provide rippling benefits for all Alabamians.
These persistent state policy failures bolster an overall economic structure that comes up short on providing jobs where people can thrive or even just get by. By not investing in essential work supports, lawmakers are limiting our state’s human potential and economic future.
Job quality for Alabamians is lower than in many other states. Many Alabamians make less than other states’ residents do for the same work, and that’s the wrong way to build an economy.
A high road to a brighter future
Alabama’s economic development strategy of removing every guardrail for worker well-being while treating the people who do the work like they are disposable doesn’t make sense. It never has. The top-down model is why our state’s outcomes fall measurably short in important areas such asearnings,health care and educational attainment.
On this Labor Day, state decision-makers should move beyond the low-road strategies that have Alabama spinning its wheels on improving quality of life for the people who keep the state running. By investing in a high-road economic structure that uplifts workers, we can build an Alabama we’re all proud to call home.
Enroll Alabama navigator Rebecca Sylvester staffs a table at a community event in Huntsville. (Photo courtesy of Enroll Alabama)
Rebecca Sylvester spends her days answering phone calls from desperate Alabamians.
As an enrollment navigator for Enroll Alabama, a grant-funded organization dedicated to helping people find health coverage, she faces a daily battle with the harsh realities of Alabama’s health care system.
But despite her dedication to finding resources for everyone who calls, she is forced to deliver heartbreaking news to most of her callers: There might not be any options for them. Especially for people caught in Alabama’s health coverage gap, who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to qualify for insurance subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
“I think that I can count one mom who was able to get back on Medicaid out of hundreds of people I spoke to,” Rebecca said.
Even then, this mother was a special exception. She was part of a brief window that allowed those who were enrolled in Medicaid during the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain coverage during the federal public health emergency (PHE). But because the PHE declaration ended in 2023, navigators are now hearing from people who are losing their Medicaid coverage during a process known as “unwinding,” or a return to pre-pandemic eligibility requirements.
Adults between ages 18 and 64 in Alabama have to meet some of the strictest income eligibility requirements in the country to have Medicaid coverage. Parents in a two-person household, for example, do not qualify for Alabama Medicaid if they make more than just $3,684 a year.
The wide range of people in Alabama’s coverage gap
The frustration in Rebecca’s voice is palpable. The coverage gap is a consequence of Alabama’s decision not to expand Medicaid to cover adults with low incomes under the ACA. That policy failure has left nearly 300,000 residents without affordable access to health care.
This means Rebecca talks to a very diverse group of people every day. They include young adults aging out of ALL Kids (Alabama’s Children’s Health Insurance Program). Many are working adults who don’t get insurance through their employer. Some are older adults who are approaching age 65 but are not yet eligible for Medicare.
Rebecca’s work is more than just finding coverage solutions. It involves discussing complicated and systemic failures with confused and often desperate callers who are learning about it for the first time.
“I don’t think I’ve had a single client where I’ve been like, ‘You’re in the Medicaid coverage gap,’ and they knew what that was,” she said.
The stories never stop coming
Enroll Alabama navigators answer questions at a community event in Montgomery. (Photo courtesy of Enroll Alabama)
Many people are shocked to learn how few resources exist for all the Alabamians living in the gap.
Rebecca discussed one conversation that was particularly hard. The caller not only had lost health coverage but also had become homeless and reached out for help.
“This person genuinely believed that there was some sort of help out there for people who really needed it,” Rebecca said.
She said the harsh truth is that, without Medicaid expansion, such public resources are virtually non-existent in our state. And while she tries to find free or sliding scale clinics to help, they can’t be the fix for everything.
Enroll Alabama helps people navigate the often confusing landscape when trying to find health coverage, but the resources they can offer are limited. Our state’s failure to expand Medicaid leaves hundreds of thousands of people scrambling to find a patchwork of temporary solutions to their health issues.
One young woman Rebecca helped was attending community college and needed ongoing mental health support. She lost coverage when she turned 19, aging out of ALL Kids, and her small campus didn’t offer student health resources that larger universities do. Her mother received disability payments, and her family couldn’t afford private insurance premiums of more than $400 a month.
“She apologized to me for needing Medicaid,” Rebecca said. “I couldn’t believe it!”
Rebecca says navigators come face to face every day with stories like these every day. These situations highlight how stigma and misunderstanding surrounding public assistance programs hurt so many people across Alabama. Rebecca’s frustration is evident when she talks about not being able to assist everyone who reaches out for help.
“It’s heartbreaking to tell someone there’s nothing I can do for them,” she said. “They fall in the gap, and there are just no options available.” She said this sense of helplessness is shared among other navigators who see firsthand the gaps in the system.
A growing network of navigators
Mark Linn, assistant project director for Enroll Alabama, also does navigator work. He said that though navigators often hit roadblocks when working with folks in the coverage gap, they still keep their phones and schedules open for anyone who needs them.
The Enroll Alabama navigator team gathered at their 2023 annual meeting at the Tutwiler Hotel in Birmingham. (Photo courtesy of Enroll Alabama)
“Everyone is different, and no situation is permanent,” Mark said. “If we can, we’re going to find something for you.”
There are enrollment navigators all across Alabama, including nine navigators within United Way. Two other navigators work within hospitals (DCH in Tuscaloosa and East Alabama Medical Center in Opelika). Another navigator based at The Right Place serves individuals and families who have low incomes or face homelessness in Anniston.
And this year, resources are becoming available in areas where they weren’t before. New navigators are serving Black Belt communities, as well as areas in northeast Alabama like Fort Payne, Rainsville and Scottsboro.
Enroll Alabama’s partnership with 211 also makes it accessible for anyone in the state to reach out and get connected with clinics, programs or resources close to home.
“Our navigators are familiar with all the resources in their area and have a list right beside them,” Mark said. “So if someone calls from Chilton County, but I’m not there, I can plug them in with our navigator from that area… on top of them just calling 211. It’s really a great resource.”
Navigating unfamiliar territory together
Mark agreed with Rebecca that a lot of folks reaching out to navigators for help are in unfamiliar territory, facing not having coverage for the first time. Through a partnership with social workers at UAB, Mark said, he often helps patients in heart failure navigate their new situation. He also meets them where they are.
“I do make house calls and go out to hospitals. A lot of times, I’m meeting in the library or at McDonald’s,” he said.
Mark said a lot of Enroll Alabama’s work focuses on helping people submit Medicaid applications, or checking to see if they are eligible for tax credits through the ACA. But in Alabama, the income eligibility restrictions can make the path forward very narrow.
“Beyond that, when they’re in the coverage gap, sometimes the best we can do is give them a phone number and pass them along to charity care, which doesn’t feel great.” Mark said.
It’s also important for people to know that even if they don’t qualify for a special enrollment period, ACA tax credits or Medicaid, other community resources like low-cost clinics may be available. Mark still encourages everyone to call 211 or set up an appointment with a navigator directly if they are uncertain about finding care or resources.
“You are never bothering us. ‘Navigator’ is right there in the name,” he said. “We are always here to help.”
It’s time for Alabama to join our neighbors
The benefits of Medicaid expansion are clear. States like Arkansas and North Carolina that have expanded Medicaid report lower uninsured rates, improved access to care, and better health outcomes. Rural hospitals, which have been closing at alarming rates in non-expansion states like Alabama, have access to life-saving funds that allow them to stay open and serve their communities.
Recently, Alabama’s Joint Health Committee held a hearing where legislators spoke with lawmakers from Arkansas and North Carolina about their experiences with Medicaid expansion. The testimonies highlighted the positive impact, emphasizing how expansion has bolstered rural hospitals and provided vital health coverage to those who needed it.
Arkansas lawmakers shared that expansion has decreased their uninsured rate and improved overall health outcomes. And North Carolina officials pointed to the financial stability it has brought to rural health care facilities.
Expanding Medicaid in Alabama could have similar positive health and economic outcomes, a recent study by the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama (PARCA) found. Medicaid expansion would create more than 20,000 local jobs and bring significant federal funding into Alabama’s economy, PARCA projected. Most importantly, it would ensure health coverage for nearly 300,000 Alabamians and save hundreds of lives every year.
Remaining hopeful for change
Rebecca said she still listens to everyone who calls asking for help, even when there aren’t many resources available. However, there is an important way that folks in the coverage gap can get involved.
“We encourage anyone who is struggling to access health care to call their legislators and let them know the issues they’re having,” said Debbie Smith, Alabama Arise’s Cover Alabama campaign director.
“Legislators need to hear from real people that this is a real issue. It can be easy for legislators to overlook a statistic,” Debbie said. “It’s much more difficult to ignore when someone is suffering because they can’t access the medical care they need.”
Navigators play a vital role in the coalition of private partners, providers and nonprofits working every day to address the issues facing Alabamians in the coverage gap.
“We’re thrilled to partner with Enroll Alabama,” Debbie said. “We’re so thankful that there is an organization that can help people find the resources that are available to them even though our state has shamefully created gaps in coverage.”
If you or someone you love would like help navigating the health care marketplace, applying for Medicaid or finding a federally qualified health care clinic in your area, please visit Enroll Alabama’s website to set up an appointment with a navigator. You also can call them directly at 844-248-7698.
Whit Sides is the Cover Alabama storyteller for Alabama Arise, a statewide, member-led organization advancing public policies to improve the lives of Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty. Arise’s membership includes faith-based, community, nonprofit and civic groups, grassroots leaders and individuals from across Alabama. Email:
Arise is a founding member of the Cover Alabama coalition. Cover Alabama is a nonpartisan alliance of advocacy groups, businesses, community organizations, consumer groups, health care providers and religious congregations advocating for Alabama to provide quality, affordable health coverage to its residents and implement a sustainable health care system.
Alabama Arise staff and members participated in a listening session with the U.S. Department of Labor and the City of Birmingham on June 11, 2024. From left: Arise board member Kenneth Tyrone King, Arise’s Cover Alabama storyteller Whit Sides, former Arise board member Helen Rivas, health coverage gap storyteller Diana Isom, acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su, Arise worker policy advocate Dev Wakeley, Arise communications director Chris Sanders, Arise member Marva Douglas and Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin. (Photo courtesy of Chris Sanders)
Alabamians need quality jobs that provide economic security and an opportunity to get ahead. That was the message Alabama Arise staff and members were excited to share with acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su during her visit to Birmingham last week.
Numerous Arise supporters participated in a worker listening session with the Department of Labor (DOL) on June 11. And worker policy advocate Dev Wakeley represented Arise at a June 12 roundtable meeting on good jobs.
Alabama Arise worker policy advocate Dev Wakeley (third from right) participated in a June 12, 2024, roundtable on job quality with acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su (center) and local business and civic leaders. (Photo by Shawn T. Moore, Department of Labor)
The DOL’s initiative to enhance job quality aligns well with Arise’s advocacy to improve life for Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty, Wakeley said. He also praised Su’s willingness to visit Alabama to hear workers’ concerns personally.
“We saw the closest thing you could imagine to unity of purpose,” Wakeley told after the visit. “When the Department of Labor comes in and talks about wanting to build good jobs that really allow for human beings to thrive and advance and to provide for their families, we are grateful for their presence, and we love to hear that.”
‘Alabama’s workers should not have to settle’
Su expressed her appreciation for Arise’s work as well. She praised both Arise and Jobs to Move America (an Arise member group and partner in the Alabama Coalition for Community Benefits) during a June 12 news conference at the North Birmingham Library.
“I did want to thank the union leaders for showing up here and every single day, to Jobs to Move America and Alabama Arise, who have helped make this trip so rich and meaningful for me,” Su said. “You are all truly incredible.”
Su came to Alabama on the second stop of the DOL’s Good Jobs Summer Tour. The tour aims to promote and build support for the department’s Good Jobs Principles, a shared framework for job quality for workers, businesses, unions, advocates and other interested parties. The principles include equitable pay and benefits, safe and healthy workplaces, and an organizational culture that values every worker’s contributions. Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin announced Birmingham’s commitment to the principles during the news conference.
Watch the video above to hear acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su’s full remarks about good jobs during her June 12, 2024, news conference in Birmingham.
“We are being intentional about connecting all of Alabama’s residents and all of Birmingham’s workers to good jobs,” Su said. “Because Alabama’s workers should not have to settle. Because no one should have to work full time year-round and still live in poverty. No one should have to work two or three jobs and still barely be able to put together a life. That is not the American promise. That is not the American dream.”
Workers’ rights, public transportation uplifted during listening session
Su’s remarks reflected many of the concerns that Birmingham-area workers shared during a listening session with Su and Woodfin. More than 70 people attended the June 11 session, and many discussed their personal experiences with workplace challenges or lack of essential work supports.
Alabama Arise organizer Adam Keller (right) attended a June 11, 2024, listening session with the U.S. Department of Labor and the City of Birmingham. Attending alongside him were (from left) Matt Holmes, Seth Cain and Wesley Verzwyvelt. All four men are members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). (Photo by Whit Sides)
Several workers underscored the necessity of protecting employees’ right to form and join unions if they choose. Others highlighted the need for higher pay and more robust benefits like child care and health insurance. The final attendee to speak was longtime Arise member Marva Douglas, who emphasized the importance of securing state funding for public transportation so every Alabamian can get to work, school or anywhere else they need to go.
Midfield resident Marva Douglas (left), a longtime Alabama Arise member, speaks with acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su after a June 11, 2024, listening session in Birmingham. (Photo by Whit Sides)
An opportunity infrastructure
Su said the DOL stands with workers in advancing racial justice and breaking down other systemic barriers to job quality. Good jobs, she said, are about more than just making ends meet today. They are about the promise of a better tomorrow.
“A good job … means a job with security,” Su said. “A job where you know that you can not just get by, but get ahead. Where you have leave and benefits, so if you or your children need to go to a doctor, you can. Where you have a retirement plan so that you know that at the end of a career, you can retire with dignity.”
Making this vision of job quality a reality will require the creation of “opportunity infrastructure” in communities across the country, Su said. That means bringing workers, businesses, policymakers, advocates and educational institutions together to build an inclusive economy for everyone, she said.
“We have more bridges to build,” Su said. “The bridge from poverty to prosperity. The bridge from racial exclusion to real equity. So let’s roll up our sleeves, and let’s build together.”
The halls of the Alabama State House had a new face this legislative session.
LaTrell Clifford Wood started as Alabama Arise’s hunger policy advocate in November. Since then, the Stillman College graduate has worked tirelessly to ensure Alabama’s most marginalized residents have access to food. In her role, she advocates directly with lawmakers for legislation that supports getting food to the Alabamians who need it most. She also convenes the Hunger Free Alabama coalition of 88 organizations.
As the youngest member of the Arise staff, LaTrell offered up insights after her first legislative session.
“I think this session has really taught me to hold space for the world to grow, change and evolve, and find new room for hope,” she said. “You can have a resume that is really heavy with blue collar and service experience, and those experiences are meaningful. Those are ‘real jobs.’”
The intergenerational relationships with other Arise staff members proved to be helpful as she navigated an especially challenging session.
“I picked up gems of wisdom from people who have been doing this work a lot longer than me, and actualized the value that young people can bring to a space when they are treated as meaningful contributors,” LaTrell said.
Making use of opportunities
LaTrell grew up in Irondale, a city of about 13,000 near Birmingham, and is a proud HBCU grad. Her time at Stillman brought her into hunger advocacy work and a systemic framework for change.
“There are systems in place by which we lose wisdom with the people we love. So I said to myself, ‘Whatever I do, I have to take care of myself, and it has to be sustainable,’” LaTrell said. “Since I was a pandemic grad, I decided to take a break and explore more options, and that led me to Congressional Black Caucus Foundation [CBCF].”
Through the CBCF, LaTrell interned in U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell’s office in Washington, D.C. That is where she first learned of Alabama Arise.
“My team in Rep. Sewell’s office really advocated for me, and Akiesha [Anderson, Arise’s former policy and advocacy director] really opened the doors for me to Alabama politics, and made a safe space for me to come back home and grow and learn at Arise, and I am so grateful for her and the rest of Arise’s staff for welcoming me,” LaTrell said.
Telling her story
LaTrell’s advocacy this year helped secure $10 million in Summer EBT administrative funding for 2025. (See page 2.) She finds that telling her personal stories to lawmakers has helped her in this work.
“It was really healing and energizing to talk to Sen. [Rodger] Smitherman, whose district I grew up in, about my experiences with hunger and its impact, and see him really stand 10 toes down for children across the state,” she said. “Countless children will have some measure of relief from hunger over the summer months, for generations to come. It’s hard to wrap my head around in more ways than one.”
After an impactful first legislative session, LaTrell has even bigger goals for Arise’s hunger advocacy work. Universal school breakfast is her next advocacy priority.
“I think the first step in that is leaning into securing a state appropriation to subsidize universal school breakfast in the next year,” she said.
LaTrell also said she hopes to help bring even more young people like her into the Alabama Arise fold.
“I look forward to building more avenues to meet young Alabamians where they are,” she said.
An optimistic look at Alabama
As a young Alabamian who returned to the state after working elsewhere, LaTrell said she wants the rest of the world to see what Alabama is really like.
“When I go out of state, a lot of people say, ‘You’re from Alabama?’ And there’s always a tone,” she said. “So my favorite experience is being able to school people on all the misconceptions they have, and all the contributions Alabamians and Alabama have made to the U.S. and the world.”
LaTrell is incredibly proud of her Alabama roots and how they’ve shaped her family.
“My family has been domestic refugees of the state, run out by racial violence during the first wave of the Great Migration. But somehow, we find our way back, and every generation, we have been able to make a meaningful difference. And that is worth being proud of,” she said.
How to get involved
For those looking to get involved with the critical work of feeding Alabamians, LaTrell has some suggestions.
Arise supporters who live in or have connections in Limestone and Morgan counties, as well as Opelika, can support hunger advocacy by talking with parents, educators and superintendents in their communities about the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). More than 50% of the schools in these areas could serve universal school meals through CEP but are not. The deadline for schools to opt in for the upcoming school year is June 30.