Alabama Arise 2024 Annual Report

2024 Annual Report

Building a Better Alabama for All

2024 Annual Report

Building a Better Alabama for All

Letter from our Executive Director

2024 was a tough year, one in which we faced some of our hardest legislative roadblocks yet. Despite hardline resistance from policymakers, together we were able to lift up the needs of working families and secure new resources to keep our communities safe.

We are doubling down on our commitment to community organizing and power building. These activities are the heart of our mission to engage and empower everyday Alabamians…

Letter from our Executive Director

2024 was a tough year, one in which we faced some of our hardest legislative roadblocks yet. Despite hardline resistance from policymakers, together we were able to lift up the needs of working families and secure new resources to keep our communities safe.

We are doubling down on our commitment to community organizing and power building. These activities are the heart of our mission to engage and empower everyday Alabamians…

Our Mission

Alabama Arise is a 501(c)(3) statewide, member-led organization advancing public policies to improve the lives of Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty. Our membership includes faith-based, community, nonprofit and civic groups, grassroots leaders and individuals from across Alabama.

Alabama Arise Action is the 501(c)(4) partner organization of Alabama Arise. Alabama Arise Action connects members directly with lobbying resources at the state Legislature.

Our Vision

Arise envisions an Alabama…

Where all people have resources and opportunities to reach their potential to live happy, productive lives, and each successive generation is ensured a secure and healthy future.

Where all government leaders are responsive, inclusive and justice-serving, and the people are engaged in the policy-making process.

Where all people live with concern for the common good and respect for the humanity of every person.

To learn more about who we are, click here.

Our agenda at the State House

As a member-led organization, we work year-round on legislative priorities decided annually by our membership base. Last year, Arise members across Alabama came together at our Annual Meeting and voted on our 2024 policy agenda. We know that, together, we will build a more inclusive future for our state.

Learn about the progress we made on your legislative priorities below, and make sure to keep an eye out for these icons throughout the report for more information.

Progress on our legislative priorities

Click on a priority to learn more!

What We Do

Policy Analysis Icon

Policy Analysis

The Arise policy team studies state policies and proposals and analyzes their impact by race, gender, age, place and income.

Statewide Organizing Icon

Statewide Organizing

Arise organizes people across the state to speak out on the development of public policies that affect their lives.

Citizen Advocacy Icon

Citizen Advocacy

Arise works to equip our members for active participation in the democratic process, including legislative advocacy.

Policy Analysis

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Adequate State Budgets Icon Green


Prioritizing workers on the path to economic justice

You made worker power a major focus for lawmakers this past year! Organized labor can raise wages and improve the lives of workers and their families. Thanks to your advocacy, a new state law is in place to protect children by increasing the penalties for companies that violate child labor laws. When a bill to prohibit tax incentives to companies that voluntarily recognize unions made its way through the Legislature, Arise advocates and our coalition partners packed the Senate hearing in opposition. We also were on the ground meeting with and listening to autoworkers, which resulted in our comprehensive State of Working Alabama report on Alabama’s auto industry: A Wheel in the Ditch: A Closer Look at Alabama’s Big Bet on the Auto Manufacturing Industry. The report highlights pay disparities, inequities across racial and gender demographics, and the overall decline in job quality in Alabama’s auto industry. This report has had a significant impact: It’s been mentioned more than 100 times in local and national media, and it’s been cited by the U.S. Department of Labor!

Policy Analysis Photo
Final Linda

“Policymakers, employers, workers, unions and community partners all have vital roles to play in strengthening our state’s auto industry and economy. By working together, we can build an inclusive economy that ensures every Alabamian has the resources they need to thrive.”

Dev Wakeley, Worker policy advocate

Together we accomplished

  • Adequate State Budgets Icon-3

    Ensuring that more than half a million Alabama children receive meals while school is out next summer. Advocacy by Arise members secured the necessary $10 million appropriation for Summer EBT in the General Fund budget.

  • Group 235

    Strengthening child labor protections. We successfully supported SB 119, which increases penalties for companies that break child labor laws.

  • Criminal Justice Reform Icon-1

    Bettering defendants’ access to an attorney, even if they cannot afford one, by supporting the passage of SB 83.

  • Criminal Justice Reform Icon-1

    Improving public records access through SB 270, which improves our state protocol by requiring a response to record inquiries and setting a timeline for that response.

  • Group 235

    Bringing Alabama’s workers to national attention. We released our State of Working Alabama report in November, detailing 30 years of inequities in Alabama’s auto industry. And our work to empower workers reached a national audience. In June, Arise staff and members met with acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su during a worker listening session and roundtable meeting in Birmingham.

  • Group 235

    Launching a campaign for paid parental leave for state employees. We supported HB 309, which would have provided state employees with eight weeks of paid parental leave, and SB 305, which would have provided teachers with paid parental leave. We hope to continue this work next year.

By the numbers

In May, we ended a tough legislative session for Arise and our supporters. However, through timely and persistent advocacy, Arise members still helped build a better, more equitable Alabama. To learn more about the bills we worked on during the 2024 legislative session, visit our Bills of Interest page.

93 Total bills we worked on during the legislative session
49 Bills we supported
21 Bills we opposed
18% Percentage of bills we successfully supported
48% Percentage of bills we successfully opposed

Providing accurate, easily digestible information about issues impacting people with low incomes is one way we work to build a better Alabama for all. When you share Arise’s information, tools and events with your community, you help us reach more people!

1,324 Media appearances
79 Educational publications and videos
66 News releases, advisories and op-ed placements

Statewide Organizing

Adequate State Budgets Icon_small_blue


Member advocacy drives Alabama transportation progress

Thanks to the advocacy of members like you, we saw significant movement to fund public transportation for the first time in years! Arise members know public transit creates jobs, improves lives and keeps people connected to their communities. In 2018, your advocacy created the Public Transportation Trust Fund. This year, we worked closely with our partners at Action Coalition for Transit (ACT) to advocate for SB 91, which would have brought in millions of dollars to build and support public transportation across Alabama. Alongside ACT, hundreds of Arise members called and emailed their legislators in support of an Alabama where people have a way to get to their doctors, jobs and grocery stores. With your efforts, this became the first public transit funding bill heard in committee in years! We are excited to build on this momentum next year and continue our efforts to fund public transportation in Alabama.

Statewide Organizing Photo

“Investing in public transit benefits anyone who needs to get from one place to another, but especially people with low incomes. We will continue to champion this issue until we achieve more robust public transit options.”

John Northrop, Action Coalition for Transit coordinator

Together we accomplished

  • Group 238

    Growing our membership diversity and benefits to strengthen Arise’s connection to the community and those most impacted by state policy. We continued our gift membership program, and gift members made up more than 22% of Arise’s 2024 individual membership.

  • Group 238

    Ensuring our work stays focused on the issues Alabamians care about with record-high engagement in choosing our legislative priorities. More than 500 members voted to select our 2024 legislative priorities, and hundreds of members attended our Annual Meeting either online or in person.

  • Group 238

    Making our voices heard at Legislative Day. More than 230 members came together, making this our largest Legislative Day since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

  • Adequate State Budgets Icon-4

    Running Cover Alabama’s first statewide paid media campaign for Medicaid expansion. Our coalition’s efforts were seen or heard more than 13 million times across the state, delivering a strong message in key legislative districts in support of getting Alabamians the health care they deserve.

By the numbers

Arise’s power is in our people. We believe people experiencing poverty should be the leading voice in the development of public policies that affect their lives. Because of this core value, we are a member-led organization, and our staff organizes people across the state who are living in poverty. We also have been working to increase membership among people living in poverty, young people and BIPOC Alabamians through our gift membership program. Even though the fight is hard, our members’ persistence for more than 30 years allows us to achieve our many wins.

163 Number of community events we hosted or participated in
155 Member groups
8380 People reached by community events
1,559 Individual members
519 Members who voted on our legislative priorities

Citizen Advocacy

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Summer EBT is a win for Alabama’s children

Your advocacy this past spring ensured that more than 500,000 children will have access to food next summer! Fighting hunger has been a longtime priority for Arise members because too many families in Alabama struggle to put food on the table. After winning a grocery tax reduction last year, Arise saw an opportunity this year to relieve hunger for more children by funding Summer EBT. And our members were up to the task, sending more than 2,400 messages to legislators. We generated dozens of media stories to increase public pressure on the issue, and we advocated until we couldn’t be ignored. Our legislators let us know in the State House hallways that they heard our message loud and clear! Late in the session, we were able to secure the necessary $10 million of administrative funding for Summer EBT starting in 2025. More than 500,000 eligible children in households with low incomes now will continue to receive access to nutritious food when school is not in session. Your advocacy made this important investment in child nutrition possible!

Citizen Advocacy Photo
Akiesha headshot

“Thanks to Arise members, more than half a million Alabama children will gain access next summer to the nutritious food they need. This is what collective advocacy can do.”

LaTrell Clifford Wood, Hunger policy advocate

Together we accomplished

  • Clip path group

    Expanding our portfolio to support maternal health and hiring our maternal health fellow. This has empowered us to educate maternity Medicaid members on program updates and deepen our work to improve maternal health outcomes. We also have worked to link the Alabama Maternal Health Task Force’s work to concrete policy changes.

  • Adequate State Budgets Icon_small_blue

    Pushing the conversation about Medicaid expansion. This year, Alabama’s speaker of the House came out in support of closing the coverage gap. Legislators heard solutions to close the coverage gap during a joint meeting of the House and Senate health committees with lawmakers from Arkansas and North Carolina. Because of your persistence, legislative opposition to Medicaid expansion is softening. We will continue to push until we close the coverage gap!

  • Group 235

    Showing up and speaking out for workers in Alabama. Working alongside Jobs to Move America and our labor allies across the state, we turned out more than 60 advocates to push back against SB 231, which prohibits tax incentives to companies that voluntarily recognize unions. Though the bill unfortunately passed, we continue to speak up for workers’ rights.

  • Group 235

    Working to reduce Medicaid coverage losses for eligible enrollees through our community outreach efforts during the Medicaid unwinding process. We provided vital information to partners and enrollees and ensured consumer voices were heard while building the unwinding plan.

By the numbers

Arise values connection. We connect people with their lawmakers, organizations with organizations, and neighbors with neighbors. We must actively engage and include all of us to build a better Alabama.

11,003 Calls, emails and postcards sent to lawmakers
30 Coalitions and working groups of which Arise is a member
44 Action alerts sent to members
52 Hunger Free Alabama coalition members
3,598 Grassroots participation in Arise legislative events and alerts
130 Cover Alabama coalition members

When you donate to one of our organizations, it makes you a member of both. Thank you to our members for being the driving force of our work!

Our Membership

We strive to create a state where those who are most affected by public policy influence and shape those policies. Our membership is our people power, and their financial contributions hold us accountable to doing the work our membership drives.

1,559 Individual Members
155 Member Groups

Because members are so critical to our mission and vision at Arise, we are working to diversify our membership. Our short-term goals are to reflect the demographics of Alabama:

17% people with low incomes

10% young people 

32% people of color

We have made progress from when this project began, according to survey data from our members. More than 32% of our membership has taken our survey. The data shows that our membership in 2024 was:

27% people with low incomes

6% young people 

32% people of color

We are glad to have reached two of our goals according to the survey data and will continue to work toward these membership goals in 2025. If you haven’t taken our membership survey yet, you can do so here.

Alabama Arise State County Map-2023_transparent

This year, we had members in 53 out of 67 counties!

Financial Report

FY 2024

July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Alabama Arise

Total revenue & support

Total revenue & support................................................$2,465,125
Grants & contracts for FY 24..…….........................................$2,144,144
Member giving ……………...……………………..................................$307,153
Other support.............................................................................$13,828

Total revenue & support..........$2,465,125
Grants & contracts for FY 24....... $2,144,144
Member giving ……………...………...... $307,153
Other support....................................$13,828

Total expenditures

Total expenditures..........................................................$2,465,125
Policy ……………...……………………..................................................$486,269
Advocacy................................................................................ $1,394,244

Total expenditures................. $2,465,125
Policy ……………...…………………….......$486,269
Advocacy..................................... $1,394,244

Funding Partners


The Annie E. Casey Foundation
CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
Families USA Foundation
Ford Foundation
The Gratitude Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
The Leonard Davis Health Initiative
Marguerite Casey Foundation
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Mike and Gillian Goodrich Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Rx Foundation


Alabama Forward
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network
American Heart Association*
American Lung Association
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Community Catalyst | Coverage and Care
Community Catalyst | Together for Medicaid
EBSCO Industries
Economic Policy Institute | EARN in the South
Economic Policy Institute | Southern Mindshift
The Just Trust
The Lift Fund
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
University of Alabama at Birmingham | Maternal Health Task Force

*funder for Alabama Arise Action

Alabama Arise Action

Total revenue & support

Total revenue & support........................................................$83,109
Member groups……….................................................................…..$42,751
Individual donations……………...……......……………….........................$11,033
Other support.................................................................................$18,500
Operating reserves.........................................................................$10,825

Total revenue & support...............$83,109
Member groups……….........................$42,751
Individual donations……………...……...$11,033
Other support....................................$18,500
Operating reserves............................$10,825

Total expenditures

Total expenditures..................................................................$82,298
Advocacy & outreach………..............................................................$40,791
Legislative advocacy……………...……......………………..........................$41,507

Total expenditures........................$82,298
Advocacy & outreach……….................$40,791
Legislative advocacy……………...……....$41,507

Funding Partners

We’re so grateful for all of our member groups, which are the primary funders of Alabama Arise Action. You can find a list of our member group partners on this page.

Arise’s 2024 Leadership

Half of the Arise boards of directors must represent low-income member groups or constituencies. This ensures we are governed by the people closest to our issues.

Alabama Arise Board of Directors

October 2023 - September 2024

Rev. Clyde W. Jones, Jr., President
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Daphne, Alabama

Shakita Brooks Jones, Vice President
Central Alabama Alliance, Resource and Advocacy Center (CAARAC)
Wetumpka, Alabama

Benard Simelton, Treasurer
Alabama State Conference of the NAACP
Harvest, Alabama

Hon. James Scott Sledge, Secretary
Community Volunteer
Gadsden, Alabama

Carmen Maria Austin
Mary’s House Catholic Worker Center
Hoover, Alabama

Ashley Edwards
First Christian Church
Montgomery, Alabama

Susan Ellis
People First of Alabama
Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Benga Harrison
Community Volunteer
Birmingham, Alabama

Kenneth Tyrone King
Church of the Reconciler
Birmingham, Alabama

Audrey Noel
Community Enabler Developer
Anniston, Alabama

Tiearra Pettway
Bay Area Women Coalition
Mobile, Alabama

Judith Taylor
Grace Presbyterian Church
Northport, Alabama

Tari Williams
Greater Birmingham Ministries
Birmingham, Alabama

Dr. Carole Zugazaga
Auburn University Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Social Work
Auburn, Alabama

Alabama Arise Action Board of Directors

March 2023 - February 2024

Kathy Vincent, President
Community Volunteer
Montgomery, Alabama

Shakita Brooks Jones, Vice President
Central Alabama Alliance, Resource and Advocacy Center (CAARAC)
Wetumpka, Alabama

Benard Simelton, Treasurer
Alabama State Conference of the NAACP
Harvest, Alabama

Ashley Edwards
First Christian Church
Montgomery, Alabama

Ana Delia Espino
Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice
Baileyton, Alabama

Susan Ellis
People First of Alabama
Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Rev. Clyde W. Jones, Jr.
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
Daphne, Alabama

Benga Harrison
Community Volunteer
Birmingham, Alabama

Kenneth Tyrone King
Church of the Reconciler
Birmingham, Alabama

Audrey Noel
Community Enabler Developer
Anniston, Alabama

Tiearra Pettway
Bay Area Women Coalition
Mobile, Alabama

Hon. James Scott Sledge
Community Volunteer
Gadsden, Alabama

Judith Taylor
Grace Presbyterian Church
Northport, Alabama

Tari Williams
Greater Birmingham Ministries
Birmingham, Alabama

Dr. Carole Zugazaga
Auburn University Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Social Work
Auburn, Alabama

Arise Staff

July 2023 - June 2024

Robyn Hyden, Executive Director
Akiesha Anderson, Policy and Advocacy Director
Presdelane Harris, Organizing Director
Chris Sanders, Communications Director
Jacob Smith, Advancement and Operations Director
Natalie Bishnoi, Development Associate
McKenzie Burton, Development Associate
Malee Galloway, Finance and Operations Associate

Carol Gundlach, Senior Policy Analyst
Jennifer Harris, Senior Health Policy Advocate
Stan Johnson, Organizer for Northwest Alabama
Adam Keller, Organizer for Northeast Alabama
Mike Nicholson, Senior Policy Analyst
Matt Okarmus, Communications Associate
Victoria Enyinda Petty, Maternal Health Fellow
Whit Sides, Cover Alabama Storyteller

Debbie Smith, Cover Alabama Campaign Director
David Stout, Legislative Affairs Coordinator
Juliette Thornton, Office Manager
Formeeca Tripp, Organizer for Southeast Alabama
Dev Wakeley, Worker Policy Advocate
Whitney Washington, Communications Associate
LaTrell Clifford Wood, Hunger Policy Advocate

Thank you!

In 2024, you helped Alabama Arise and Alabama Arise Action make major progress on our legislative agenda through policy analysis, statewide organizing and citizen advocacy. Together, we advanced toward a better state and increased dignity, equity and justice for all. All of us at Arise are grateful for your continued partnership and support.