

Changes are happening in Alabama Medicaid. Help us spread the word!

Starting Oct. 1, 2019, Medicaid begins a new care coordination program. The new plan will create Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHNs) in seven regions of the state. (See the map below.) These ACHNs will coordinate primary care for people with Medicaid coverage. Your ACHN will have a phone line to call when a Medicaid participant (also known as a Medicaid member) has a health problem.

New services will help patients get the health care that’s right for their needs. To get these services, people who have Medicaid coverage (children, pregnant women, and people getting family planning services) will need to have a primary care doctor of their choice.

Their doctor will become their “medical home” – the first place to contact for ordinary health needs. And new services will be offered to improve patient health.

Medicaid members who already have a primary doctor can continue under their care. Coordinating patient care through a primary doctor helps avoid expensive emergency room visits for routine health care needs.

The Alabama Medicaid Agency will be sending out information about the ACHN program so you can know who to call to discuss care coordination services. In the meantime, you can help others be aware of the coming changes.

Alabama Arise has organizers available to talk to groups interested in learning more about the coming changes. So to set up a meeting in your area, email me or call me at 334-832-9060. Or reach out to the Arise organizer who serves your region. Let’s keep people informed and build a healthier Alabama!

PDF: Changes are happening in Alabama Medicaid!

En español: ¡Cambios están ocurriendo en el Medicaid de Alabama!